2025 Canada Games Tennis
Canada Games Technical Package
Athlete Selection Criteria Form
The purpose of this policy is to outline the process for selecting the individuals for the 2025 Canada Games PEI Tennis Team.
The goal of the selection committee will be to select the individuals that are best at winning tennis matches in singles and/or doubles within the requirements (residency, age, etc.) set out for the Canada Games.
The Selection Committee will be made up of Jordan MacGregor (Team Coach), Matt Halvorson (High Performance Coach), and Meghan Adams (Tennis PEI Coach).
Athlete Requirements to be considered a Candidate for the PEI Canada Games Tennis Team.
- Candidates must be Tennis PEI Members in good standing.
- Candidates must show respect for team mates, opponents, coaches, and officials.
- Candidates must meet eligibility requirements as laid out in the Canada Games Tennis Technical Package & PEI Canada Games Team eligibility requirements.
The final team will consist of four (4) male and four (4) female players with the
Age Eligibility as follows:
2 males and 2 females under 16 as of January 1, 2026 (Born 2010 or later)
2 males and 2 females under 18 as of January 1, 2026 (Born 2008 or later)
Residency Requirements are as follows
2.1.3 An athlete’s permanent domicile or actual residence must be located, for at least the 180 days prior to the opening of the games, in PEI. An athlete can have only one domicile.
2.1.4 Students attending school on a full-time basis outside of PEI during the year of the games shall be permitted to compete for either PEI or the province/territory in which the athlete attends school. To be eligible to compete for the province/territory where the athlete attends school, the student must be enrolled on a full-time basis during the current academic year.
2.1.5 If a non-student athlete attends a recognized national training centre outside of PEI, the athlete is encouraged to represent PEI; however, the athlete could represent the province/territory where the centre is located under terms of paragraph 2.1.6, below.
2.1.6 Exceptions to the domicile requirement will be possible if the athlete can demonstrate a commitment to the province or territory he/she wishes to represent by such means as having been a member of a club or provincial/territorial sport organization in that province/territory for the entire previous competitive season, having represented that province/territory at a previous national or regional championship or having attended school full-time the previous academic year or having been a member of a recognized national training centre full- time during the previous 12 months. Other similar circumstances may be considered.
2.1.7 An athlete is permitted to try out for any province or territory of eligibility but can only try out for one province or territory per sport. An athlete may try out for athletics in province A but can not try out for Athletics in another province. Said athlete may try out for swimming though in province B
- Candidates must indicate their commitment to participate (if selected) in the CG’s to join in CG prep training & activities. A commitment must be made by June 1st, 2024.
Those that are training abroad must commit by June 1st, 2024 and prove they have met and continue to meet all eligibility, training and competition requirements.
An unknown (to the tennis community) candidate will have until June 1st, 2024 to come forward and commit to the process and must provide documentation that they have met the eligibility, training and competition requirements.
- Candidates must be committed to prepare for the games
- Participation in at least 30 tournament or league matches in 2025 prior to the games, this must include several doubles matches if to be considered for a doubles position.
- Participation in all team training (exemptions must be approved and documented by coach and selection committee)
- Tennis specific training a minimum of 6 hrs /wk on average throughout the full year leading up to the 2025 Canada Games.
- Participation in a weekly physical training program as set out by the team coach or activities approved by the team coach.
- Attendance at team meetings (exemptions must be approved and noted)
Selection to the Team
The team selection will be decided by the Selection Committee
The selection will be made using the Tennis Canada’s U18 Junior Rankings (which includes all juniors ranked in any division) identifying the top 4 male and females as required (2@U18 + at least 2@U16 age divisions).
The Selection Committee may select outside of the rankings.
Consideration outside of rankings will include any obvious trends, an example might be that a player with a lower ranking has started & continued to surpass other PEI players in their results over the last few months leading up to the selection date but the rankings have not caught up or a player with a higher ranking has demonstrated an inability to perform over the months leading up to the team selection or a player has a lower ranking but has demonstrated through consistent head to head wins over a PEI player and with consistent wins over other highly ranked players.
Another Consideration that will be made outside of rankings will be for doubles, if an individual has demonstrated through continued outstanding success at doubles they “may” be included in the team as a doubles participant.
If the Selection Committee cannot through ranking and obvious results make an objectifiable selection than a qualifying match “may” be held as a last resort.
The Selection Committee will provide objective reasons for all team choices.
Additional Notes
It is the complete focus of the selection committee to choose the best tennis competitors for the team that are eligible. (“Best” meaning those that win the most and at the highest comparable level).
Although the Tennis Canada Rankings will be primary in selection there may be other results that will be considered along with head to head and other comparative objective tournament match results.
Therefore, one win or loss near the final selection date will not determine a player’s
status. In the same way an individual player have another players number (meaning they regularly beat them) does not necessarily put them ahead of the other player if their overall results do not support this regular result.
But an obvious trend of either winning or losing near the selection date would be deemed evidence towards backing a decision one way or the other even if ranking did not reflect this trend.
Individuals that meet the resident requirements but are living and training elsewhere are eligible. Candidates that are living and training elsewhere and that do not have comparable rankings/results leading up to the selection date will need to demonstrate why they should be selected through obvious, objective and comparable tournament results in the months leading up to team selection.
Pressures by parents, coaches, etc. will not be tolerated and all such conversations will be documented and disclosed immediately with the selection committee.
Based on the “Appeal Process” as laid out below, an individual that can put forward evidence that the selection process was not adhered to will be given opportunity to appeal the team selection, but it must be done in the time constraints as described
Appendix 1: Appeal Procedure
An appeal shall be heard ONLY on the grounds that the process and/or final decision were flawed, and not because the athlete did not agree with the selection.
The following scenarios would be eligible for appeal if an athlete felt that:
1) The Canada Games Selection Committee failed to follow the procedures outlined in the Selection Criteria.
2) The Canada Games Selection Committee made a decision that was influenced by bias.
3) The Canada Games Selection Committee failed to consider relevant information or took into account irrelevant information in making a decision.
4) The Canada Games Selection Committee exercised its discretion for an improper purpose.
Appeal Time Lines
The athlete shall be given 48 hours to request an appeal. The athlete must present their request in writing to the Chair of Appeals Committee of Tennis PEI. This written request must be forwarded to the Tennis PEI office by mail, courier or e-mail.
Tennis PEI’s Appeals Committee shall review the letter and decide whether or not the request has basis for a hearing. They shall also review all selection documentation from the Canada Games Staff.
If there are no legitimate grounds, the Chair of the Appeals Committee shall call the athlete advising him/her of the decision. This will be followed up by a formal letter to the individual.
If the Appeals committee feels that there are grounds for an appeal hearing, the following procedures will take place:
- a) The Chair of the Appeals Committee shall select a designated location, date and time to hear the appeal. This will be completed no more than 48 hours’ after receipt of the appeal request
- b) The Appeal Committee shall hear the athlete’s complaint. He/she may be accompanied by an advocate (parent, guardian, legal advisor)
- c) The appeals Committee shall hear from the Canada Games Staff
- d) The Appeals Committee shall make a final decision within three (3) days of the appeal hearing and the decision shall be final and binding
- e) The Chair of the Appeals Committee will contact the coach no later than 24 hours after the decision has been rendered to advise him/her of the outcome.
This will be followed by a copy of the formal letter sent to the athlete and a copy of the appeal findings and recommendations.
The appeal committee shall be comprised of:
1) Chair (TPEI Board member) (with no conflict of interest)
2) One Athlete Representative (former Canada Games Player, with no conflict of interest)
3) One other impartial individual