You should be inquiring with your local club or municipality about these levels of tennis for appropriate learning and development of your child’s sport experience:
RED TENNIS (6+ yrs) This program introduces the foundational skills of tennis with an oversized low-compression ball on a smaller court. Players learn basic rally, serve and net play skills along with activities that build tennis specific coordination. Rules of play and “I am a Good Sport” behaviours are also introduced and re-inforced.
ORANGE TENNIS (8+ yrs) Players learn how to serve, rally, score and play at the net. Players learn to maintain a rally when receiving more challenging shots, serve with improved placement, approach the net, and place volleys. “I am a Good Sport” behaviours are reinforced.
GREEN LEVEL (10+ yrs and adults) Players learn to serve, rally, score, and play at net in singles and doubles on a regulation sized court with a low-compression transition ball. Lessons take players through a progression of learning to rally with improved direction and height control, serving with better power and control, returning serves, and playing at the net with volleys and overheads
TEAM TENNIS: Learn Tennis by Playing Tennis! Players will be divided into teams by age and skill level in the first two weeks of the season. Teams will face off against each other in a weekly league to see who can win the season, all with an emphasis on FUN. No previous playing experience is required to join Team Tennis, as players will be grouped with others of a similar skill level.